Probability Density Function

Definition (Probability Density Function): For a continuous r.v. $X$ with CDF $F$, the probability density function (PDF) of $X$ is the derivative $f$ of the $F$

Relation between PDF & PMF: The PDF is the analogous to the PMF in many ways. But, the PDF $f(x)$ is not a probability.

Relation between PDF & CDF: Let $X$ be a continuous r.v. with PDF $f$. Then the CDF of $X$ is given by

CDF of Logistic Distribution

CDF of Rayleigh Distribution

Theorem (Expectation of Continuous R.V.)

Theorem (Expectation via Survial Function) Let $G$ be the survial function of $X$, Then

Theorem (LOTUS: Continuous)

Uniform Distribution

Definition (Uniform Distribution) Distribution on the interval$(a,b)$, and its PDF is

We denote this by $U\sim Unif(a,b)$

Example: suppose $X_1,X_2,…,X_n$ are i.i.d $Unif(0,1)$ random variable and let $Y = min(X_1,X_2,…,X_n)$ be their minimum. Find $E(Y)$

If $0<x<1$, we have $P(X_i \leq x) = x$, it follows that

From above, we use the survial function to calculate the expectation


Definition (Standard Normal Distribution) A c.r.v. $Z$ is said to have the standard Normal Distribution if its $PDF$ $\varphi$ is given by:

We write this as $Z\sim N(0,1)$, and $Z$ has mean 0 and variance 1, the CDF $\phi$ is

Definition (Normal Distribution) If $Z\sim N(0,1)$ then

is said to have the Normal Distribution with mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$, denote this by $X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$

Theorem (Normal CDF and PDF) Let $X\sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$,
CDF of $X$ is

PDF of $X$ is


Definition (Exponential Distribution)

we denote this by $X\sim Expo(\lambda)$. The corresponding CDF is

Theorem (Memoryless Property)

  • If $X$ is a positive continuous random variable with memoryless property, then $X$ has an Exponential distribution
  • Geometric Distribution is also Memoryless
  • Exponential distribution as the “continuous counterpart” of the Geometric distribution

Exponential \& Geometric via $\delta$- Steps
We devide a unit of time into n pieces, each of size $\delta = \frac{1}{n}$, and the trial occurs every $\delta$ time period and success with probability $\lambda \delta$. Denote $Y$ as the number of trials until first success, $\hat{Y}$ as the time until first success under $Y$.

Thus we have


Theorem property of Exponential Given $X_1\sim Expo(\lambda_1)$, $X_2\sim Expo(\lambda_2)$, $X_1 \bot X_2$ ($X_1$ and $X_2$ are independent), then

It can be solved by $\delta$-step

Some physical phenomenon follow the Exponential distribution like the radioactive decay.