Generating Function

Three kinds of generating functions

  • Probability Generating Function (PGF) : related to Z-transform
  • Moment Generating Function (MGF) : related to Laplace transform
  • Characteristic Function (CF) : related to Fourier transform


  • PGF: handling non-negative integral random variables
  • MGF: handling general random variables
  • CF: equally useful with MGF


  • Easy to characterizing the distribution of the sum of independent random variables
  • Play a central role in the study of branching processes
  • Provide a bridge between complex analysis and probability
  • ……

Moment Generating Function

Definition (Moment Generating Function) MGF of an r.v. $X$ is $M(t) = E(e^{tX})$, as a function of $t$ (different t denote different valued moment) and this must finite on some open interval (-a,a) containing 0 or dont exist.

Why we need MGF

  • MGF encodes the moments of an r.v.
  • MGF of an r.v. Determines its distribution, like CDF and PMF/PDF
  • MFG make it easy to find the distribution of a sum of i.r.v.s.

Theorem (Moments via Derivatives of the MGF) $E(X^n) = M^{(n)}(0)$
Using Taylor expansion of $M(t)$ at 0

Using Taylor expansion of $E(X)$

Matching the coefficients of two expansions, we get $E(X^n) = M^{(n)}(0)$

MGF of Distribution

Theorem (MGF Determines the Distribution) Two r.v. have the same MGF have the same distribution, more strictly, if there is even a tiny interval containing 0 on which the MGF are equal, the the r.v.s must have same distribution.

Example 1 (Bernoulli MGF) MGF of $X\sim Bern(p)$
$e^{tX}=e^t$ with probability $p$, and $1$ with probability $q$, so $M(t) = E(e^{tX})=pe^t + q$

Example 2 (Geometric MGF) MGF of $X\sim Geom(p)$

t in $(-\infty, log(1/p))$

Example 3 (Uniform MGF) MGF of $U\sim Unif(a,b)$

and $M(0) = 1$

Example 4 (Binomial MGF) $Bin(n,p)$

Example 5 (Negative Binomial) $NBin(r,p)$

Theorem (MGF of Location-Scale Transformation) If $X$ has MGF $M(t)$, then MGF of $a+bX$ is

Example 6 (Normal MGF) MGF of $(X = \mu + \sigma Z) \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$

Use the Theorem above then

Sum of Independent Distributions

Theorem (MGF of A Sum of Independent R.V.s) If $X$ and $Y$ are independent, Then

Example 1 (Sum of Poissons) $X\sim Pois(\lambda), Y\sim Pois(\mu)$, $X$ and $Y$ are independent. Then $X+Y \sim Pois(\lambda + \mu)$
The MGF of $X$ is

The MGF of $X+Y$ is

Which is the $Pois(\lambda + \mu)$, so $X+Y\sum Pois(\lambda+\mu)$

Example 2 (Sum of Normals) $X_1\sim N(\mu_1,\sigma_1^2)$ and $X_2 \sim N(\mu_2,\sigma_2^2)$, $X_1+X_2 = ?$
MGF of $X_1+X_2$ is

Which is the N(\mu_1 + \mu_2, \sigma_2^2 + \sigma_1^2) MGF.

Probability Generating Function

Definition (PGF) PGF of a nonnegative integer-valued r.v. $X$ with PMF $p_k = P(X=k)$ is the generating function of the PMF, By LOTUS , this is

Example 1 (Generating Dice Probabilities) Let $X$ be the sum from rolling 6 pair dice, $X_1,…,X_6$ be the individual rolls, what is $P(X=18)$ ?
The PGF of $X_1$ is

The PGF of $X$ is

The coefficient of $t^{18}$ in the PGF is $P(X=18)$, so

Theorem (PMF \& PGF)

Characteristic Function

Definition CF The Characteristic function of a random variable $X$ is the function $\phi : R \rightarrow C$ defined by